You can make a donation using the PayPal Donate button below. If you do not have a PayPal account, you can still make a donation using your credit/debit card using this option.



Click the button below to visit our official JustGiving page, where it's easy to make a donation using your credit/debit card.


Alternatively, if you know someone taking part in a fundraising initiative on our behalf, chances are they will have their own personal JustGiving page to collect online sponsorships. If you would rather make a contribution to an individual, please don't hesitate to contact them and they will guide you to their page.



If you would like to make a donation by cheque, this can be made payable to 'The Sarah Groves Foundation' and posted to:

The Sarah Groves Foundation, Saints Bay Cottage, Saints Bay Road, St Martin, Guernsey, GY4 6ES


Direct Bank Transfer

To make a direct bank transfer to The Sarah Groves Foundation, please email and we will gladly assist you.



For all cash donations, please email

(either personal donations or offline collections from fundraising events)